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A touch of time, just for you.


Relaxation massage

Harriet applies soothing massage techniques to help ease both the body and mind.


This therapeutic massage provides light relief from muscular aches, tension and increases lymphatic drainage. Whilst also increasing circulation, joint mobility and improving muscle tone.

60 minutes: £55

90 minutes: £80

Pregnancy massage

Harriet focuses on areas of the body that are affected during pregnancy and post natal with specialist techniques. A wonderfully relaxing experience that benefits mother and baby, together.

Providing a natural, comforting and relaxing way to help relieve the stresses and strains of the birthing year.

60 minutes: £55

90 minutes: £80


Advanced Remedial

Harriet is an advanced remedial, and sports massage therapist who specialises in assessing and treating various sources of pain. Her expertise benefits not only athletes and those who are physically active but also those with demanding jobs that involve postural stress.

Harriet employs a wide range of techniques, such as muscle energy techniques, stretching, deep tissue work, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy. Conditions like sciatica, carpal tunnel, stiff necks, headaches, sports injuries, and more can all benefit from Harriet's advanced remedial and sports massage.. 

60 minutes: £55

90 minutes: £80

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